How to Offer "Pay What You Want" Pricing
The "Pay What You Want" pricing model is a strategy where customers are allowed to pay what they feel a product or service is worth, or what they can afford. This can be an effecti...
4,473 1 0 24th June 2023How to offer free products
Offering free products can be a powerful tool in your marketing strategy. Whether they serve as samples, promotional items, or lead generators, free products can attract potential ...
4,234 0 0 24th June 2023How to sell digital products / downloads
Selling digital products or downloads online can be a complex process, but it doesn't have to be. Shoprocket makes the entire process simple, secure, and efficient, taking care of ...
4,396 0 0 24th June 2023Creating and Managing Product Filters
Filters are key-value pairs that can be assigned to products, allowing customers to filter the product list based on their preferences. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create...
4,544 1 0 07th June 2023Sort/Order Your Products
How to manually set the sort/display order of your products...
5,492 0 0 06th October 2022Add Product Filters
Adding filter values to your products is a great way to allow your customers to narrow down the results...
6,407 1 2 28th May 2022Create a new Product
How to manually create new Products via your dashboard...
7,558 8 4 04th April 2022Importing new Products
How to import bulk products into your Shoprocket store using a CSV file...
8,320 2 0 04th April 2022Duplicating Products
To save time when creating products with similar options. variations, descriptions etc. you can also duplicate existing products. ...
6,412 0 0 04th April 2022Add Product images & videos
To manage your Product media (images, videos & audio) to be displayed publicly in your products, navigate to the Product you want to edit in your dashboard, then click on the Media...
6,863 1 1 14th April 2022Specify product inventory & stock
This screen allows you to configure available stock. If you need to track stock on variations of this Product, such as size/colour, we suggest using the Variations tab....
5,971 1 0 14th April 2022Add Product Options (text, upload files, date, radio, select)
Product options allow you to offer optional add-ons to a Product, or capture extra information from your customer, such as a message for engravings, a file upload for printed t-shi...
6,283 1 0 14th April 2022Add Product variations
Variations are ideal if your Product comes in multiple styles such as "small, medium, large" and you want to track stock on those variants, or have different prices per style. You ...
6,086 0 0 14th April 2022Add tabs to product descriptions
Product tabs allow you to add further details to your Product in an easy to digest manner. e.g. delivery & return policies....
5,737 0 0 14th April 2022Uploading digital downloads to Products
Shoprocket stores your digital Products securely and allows you to specify how your files are accessed. With optional limits on download attempts, expiry dates and IP restrictions ...
5,813 1 0 14th April 2022How to add digital downloads to Product Variations
Sometimes, you may want to attach Digital Downloads to specific Product Variations, not just the Product itself. ...
6,239 0 1 30th April 2022How to rename digital downloads
You can rename your digital downloads from within your dashboard...
5,503 1 0 29th April 2022Adding licence keys / serial codes / gift card codes to products
Licence keys (or serial codes, gift card codes etc) are a great way to prevent your digital products from being copied, shared, or otherwise illegally used by a non-licensed user. ...
6,578 2 0 14th April 2022Product specific tax & shipping
How to enable, disable and select specific shipping & tax rates on a per product basis....
6,065 0 0 14th April 2022Add private notes & custom email messages
Add private comments/notes for store admin users...
5,660 1 0 14th April 2022Manage related Products
From here, you can choose to either Automatically Show Related Products by switching the option on, or Manually Select Related Products by clicking on them to move them into Relate...
5,527 0 0 14th April 2022Toggle visibility of Products in your Store
How to show or hide specific products in your store...
5,550 0 0 04th April 2022Exporting your Product data
How to export your products...
5,801 0 0 04th April 2022Deleting Products
How to delete products...
5,867 1 0 04th April 2022